Ultra High Pressure Systems
We offer a complete construction of ultra-high pressure systems, including delivery of properly selected accessories, control and technical service.

The com­pa­ny car­ries out pro­jects based on indi­vi­du­al Customer’s requ­ire­ments. Thanks to that, our solu­tions ful­fil its pur­po­se and find application

s in many dif­fe­rent pro­jects which requ­ire a func­tio­nal expansion.We manu­fac­tu­re sys­tems in any housing, with elec­tric or die­sel engi­nes. All appli­ca­tions are made with using com­po­nents of the leading dome­stic and fore­ign pro­du­cers. This results direc­tly in lon­ger life­ti­me of the pro­du­ced devi­ces and the­ir many years of relia­bi­li­ty.

The sys­tems desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red by our com­pa­ny are always tested on spe­cial test rigs, which guaran­te­es the pro­per func­tio­ning of all ele­ments of the sys­tem and the­ir mate­rial durability.


HP PONAR JETtrolley 500/​16 EL unit

unit type: indu­strial high pres­su­re pump: plun­ger
body type: open, fra­me with metal-rub­ber whe­els (one ste­ering axle) con­trol valve: yes, mecha­ni­cal
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 16 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: elec­tric (MOLL), 15 kW, 63A or 32A plug, 5 m cable war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETtrolley 500/​20 EL unit

unit type: indu­strial high pres­su­re pump: plun­ger
body type: open, fra­me with metal-rub­ber whe­els (one ste­ering axle) con­trol valve: yes, mechanical
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 20 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: elec­tric (MOLL), 18,5 kW, 63A plug, 5 m cable war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETtrolley 500/​20 BS unit

unit type: industrial high pres­su­re pump: plunger
body type: open, fra­me with metal-rub­ber wheels con­trol valve: yes, mechanical
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 20 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: ben­zi­ne engi­ne (B&S), 31 KM war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETtrolley 500/​30 EL unit

unit type: industrial high pres­su­re pump: plunger
body type: open, fra­me with metal -rub­ber whe­els (one ste­ering axle) con­trol valve: yes, mechanical
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 30 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: elec­tric (MOLL), 30 kW, 63A plug, 5 m cable war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETtrolley 500/​30 ELF pro unit

unit type: indu­strial with inverter high pres­su­re pump: plun­ger
body type: open, fra­me with metal -rub­ber whe­els (one ste­ering axle) con­trol valve: yes, mechanical
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 30 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: elec­tric (MOLL), 30 kW, 63A plug, 5 m cable war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETskid cover 1000/​15 EL unit

unit type: industrial high pres­su­re pump: plun­ger
body type: clo­se, fra­me with metal -rub­ber whe­els (one ste­ering axle) con­trol valve: yes, mechanical
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 1000 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 15 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: elec­tric (MOLL), 30 kW, 63A plug, 5 m
war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETbase 1500/​60 D unit

unit type: industrial high pres­su­re pump: plunger
body type: open con­trol valve: yes
woring pres­su­re: up to 1500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 60 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: combustion/​diesel, 185 kW war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

HP PONAR JETbase 2500/​31 D unit

unit type: industrial high pres­su­re pump: plunger
body type: open con­trol valve: yes
wor­king pres­su­re: up to 2500 bar safe­ty valve: yes
water flow: 30 l/​min stan­dard acces­so­ries: yes
(deta­ils at the manufacturer)
dri­ve: combustion/​diesel, 159 kW war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths
deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

installation of the unit on a trailer

We also offer high-pres­su­re aggre­ga­tes in the customer’s indi­vi­du­al con­fi­gu­ra­tion, with gaso­li­ne inter­nal com­bu­stion engi­ne or elec­tric power sup­ply, in sta­tio­na­ry or mobi­le housing.

We would like to inform you that each aggre­ga­te can be retro­fit­ted with basic, exten­ded, advan­ced con­trol recom­men­ded by PONAR (advan­ced con­trols equ­ip­ped with the moni­to­ring and pre­dic­tion modu­le for the tech­ni­cal para­me­ters of the aggregate).


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