Spare Parts
PONAR is a guarantor of original parts and spare modules from which all devices offered by our company were built. This applies to both PONAR production solutions and solutions of partner companies, which we are pleased to represent on the Polish market.

As an autho­ri­zed busi­ness part­ner of fore­ign com­pa­nies, we offer access to ori­gi­nal parts from the fol­lo­wing manu­fac­tu­rers on pre­fe­ren­tial terms:

  • WOMA [parts for high pres­su­re pumps and other manufacturer’s solutions];
  • UDOR [parts for high pres­su­re pumps and other manufacturer’s solutions];
  • HPP [parts for high pres­su­re pumps and other manufacturer’s solutions];
  • IDROJET [parts and modu­les for IDRO hydrau­lic extractors];
  • AQUAJET [acces­so­ries, parts and modu­les for spe­cia­li­zed robots for cut­ting con­cre­te Aqua Cutter];
  • MAZZONI [parts and modu­les for water heaters].

At the requ­est of our con­trac­tors, we are also able to select repla­ce­ments as an alter­na­ti­ve to parts and ori­gi­nal modu­les. The repla­ce­ments we offer are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by high quali­ty of work­man­ship and a life­ti­me of the ele­ment com­pa­ra­ble to the original

As a manu­fac­tu­rer of com­ple­te solu­tions, depen­ding on the needs of our custo­mers, we also guaran­tee access to all com­ple­men­ta­ry acces­so­ries of vario­us types, such as: high-pres­su­re noz­zles, high-pres­su­re hoses and lan­ces, high-pres­su­re guns. The acces­so­ries are selec­ted accor­ding to the ope­ra­ting para­me­ters of the high pres­su­re units or the type of spe­cia­list work performed.

Whe­ne­ver possi­ble, we make eve­ry effort to ensu­re that fast-wearing parts, dedi­ca­ted parts and stra­te­gic parts that requ­ire a long waiting period are in our local ware­ho­use in Łazi­ska Górne.

© Copyrights by PONAR Wadowice 2020