It is a group of specialized semi-automatic pneumatic elements by PONAR, enabling the completion of systems ready for work with the use of flexible high-pressure lances. 

All PONAR mani­pu­la­tors from the FEEDER pro­duct gro­upe are modu­lar, pre­ci­se and dura­ble. The­ir goal is to incre­ase the safe­ty, sta­bi­li­ty and effi­cien­cy of the operator’s work. Con­tri­bu­te to redu­cing the cost of imple­men­ting the cle­aning pro­ject. Tech­ni­cal para­me­ters allow to incre­ase the effi­cien­cy seve­ral times in rela­tion to the works per­for­med with tra­di­tio­nal methods.

The feeders allow you to work with fle­xi­ble high-pres­su­re lan­ces with vario­us exter­nal dia­me­ters, whi­le ensu­ring the maxi­mum spe­ed of the devi­ce. The­ir opti­mal dimen­sions and weight fur­ther impro­ve the com­fort of cle­aning indu­strial ele­ments. For this pur­po­se, we also recom­mend com­ple­men­ta­ry acces­so­ries such as a balancer.

The modu­lar struc­tu­re of the feeders allows easy expan­sion of the devi­ce with fur­ther lan­ce feeders, thus cre­ating mul­ti-lan­ce PONAR solu­tions. It is worth men­tio­ning that the FEEDER solu­tions are deli­ve­red with com­ple­te com­ple­men­ta­ry acces­so­ries that allow the use of lan­ces of dif­fe­rent dia­me­ters and the per­for­man­ce of work on vario­us inter­nal dia­me­ters of exchan­ger tubes or tubu­lar condensers.



single flex-lance FEEDERbasic unit

A spe­cial pneu­ma­tic devi­ce dedi­ca­ted to work with a high-pres­su­re fle­xi­ble lance.

This devi­ce is desi­gned to cle­an heat exchan­gers insi­de pipes.

Mani­pu­la­tor is desi­gned to work with vario­us
high pres­su­re pump units. Equ­ip­ped with an air pre­pa­ra­tion sta­tion FRL.

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths| deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

single flex-lance FEEDERbox unit

A spe­cial devi­ce dedi­ca­ted to work with the fle­xi­ble HP and UHP lance.

This devi­ce is desi­gned to cle­an heat exchan­gers insi­de pipes.

A com­ple­te air pre­pa­ra­tion sys­tem with a com­pres­sor is requ­ired for the ope­ra­tion of the devi­ce (the com­pres­sor is not included).

The devi­ce is ready to work with vario­us UHP pump units. This set inc­lu­des an orga­ni­zer with addi­tio­nal accessories.

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

» more information

FEEDERcombo x2 unit

Auto­ma­tic, double fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder instal­led in a cen­tral aluframe.

  • assem­bled auto­ma­tic FEEDERcom­bo x2 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder,
  • 2 x front guide tubes – 0.5 m double-guide bar,
  • com­ple­te air pre­pa­ra­tion unit with a 5 m duct,
  • 2 pcs. – com­ple­te sets of addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries for vario­us lan­ce diameters
  • aset of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x3 unit

Auto­ma­tic, tri­ple fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder instal­led in a cen­tral aluframe.

  • assem­bled auto­ma­tic FEEDERcom­bo x3 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder
  • 3 x front guide pipes – tri­lan­ce guide 0.5 m
    com­ple­te air pre­pa­ra­tion unit with a 5 m duct,
  • 3 pcs. – com­ple­te sets of addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries for vario­us lan­ce diameters
  • set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x4 unit

Auto­ma­tic, quadru­ple fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder instal­led in a cen­tral aluframe.

  • assem­bled quadru­ple auto­ma­tic FEEDERcom­bo x4 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder
  • 4 x front guide pipes – 0.5 m squ­are guide
  • com­ple­te air pre­pa­ra­tion unit with a 5 m duct
  • 4 pcs. – com­ple­te sets of addit

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERbox 3in1 unit

Mani­pu­la­tor sup­por­ting bun­dle heat exchan­gers cleaning.

  • assem­bled auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERbox 3in1 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • 3 x front guide pipes, 0.5 m
  • 3 x com­ple­te sets of addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries for vario­us lan­ce diameters
  • set of keys for assembly
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed


Com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with a spe­cial flan­ge handle

  • wor­king area: 150 x 150 cm
  • remo­te con­trol panel

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed



Com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with a spe­cial flan­ge handle

  • wor­king area: 200 x 200 cm
  • remo­te con­trol panel

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed


Com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with a spe­cial flan­ge handle

  • wor­king area: 150 x 150 cm
  • fra­me equ­ip­ped in pneu­ma­tic engi­nes for moving the selec­ted maniu­pla­tor along X and Y axis
  • has a spe­cial hol­der fixing to the flan­ge of the heat exchan­ger and han­dles for trans­por­ting the device

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed


Com­ple­te ALU STD+ fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with a spe­cial flan­ge handle

  • wor­king area: 200 x 200 cm
  • fra­me equ­ip­ped in pneu­ma­tic engi­nes for moving the selec­ted maniu­pla­tor along X and Y axis
  • has a spe­cial hol­der fixing to the flan­ge of the heat exchan­ger and han­dles for trans­por­ting the device

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

Control Panel [CP]


  • on/​off switch
  • spe­ed switch (fast /​ slow)
  • motion con­trol: left/​right
  • move­ment con­trol: up/​down
  • lan­ce move­ment: forward/​backward
  • inte­gra­ted safe­ty button
  • pneu­ma­tic spi­ral hose 5 m

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed


A-FRAME – a alu­mi­nium fra­me type „A”, inten­ded for han­ging the FEEDERbox.

Inc­lu­ded in the set:

  • ele­ments for easy assem­bly of com­ple­te frame
  • ope­ra­tion manu­al EN
  • balan­ser
  • Wor­king area [m]: 1,5 x 1,5

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

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