FEEDERcombo x3 Cleaning System STD
FEEDERcombo x3 Cleaning System STD is a complete set of FEEDER group components designed for cleaning heat exchangers, incl. in power plants, combined heat and power plants and petrochemical plants.

Sys­tem FEEDERcom­bo x3 Cle­aning Sys­tem STD inc­lu­des:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder FEEDERcom­bo x3

  • com­ple­te ALU fra­me STD for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with a spe­cial flan­ge hol­der and a wor­king area of ​​150 x 150 cm

The com­ple­te ALU fra­me STD for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion has:

    • spe­cial flan­ge hol­der for moun­ting to the heat exchanger

    • trans­port handles:

    • air motors

  • 3 x front guide tubes – 0.5 m three-lan­ce guide,

  • CP (Con­trol Panel),

con­trol panel (CP):

    • on /​ off switch
    • spe­ed switch (fast /​ slow)
    • motion con­trol: left /​ right
    • move­ment con­trol: up /​ down
    • lan­ce move­ment: for­ward /​ bac­kward
    • inte­gra­ted safe­ty button
    • spi­ral pneu­ma­tic hose 5m
  • com­ple­te air pre­pa­ra­tion unit with a 5 m cable

  • 3 pcs – com­ple­te sets of addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries for vario­us diameters:

✓ front hose cat­cher rings [mm]: 8,5/10/12/13/14/15,

✓ end stop [mm]: 8/9,5/11,5/12,6/13,3/14,6,

✓ front cone [mm]: 12/​14/​18/​20/​23,

✓ trans­mi­sion belt,

  • a set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

Exam­ple of using FEEDERcom­bo x3 Cle­aning Sys­tem STD

Wor­king with this kit is not only safer, but much more effi­cient than the tra­di­tio­nal cle­aning method.

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