FEEDERbox with the use of a balancer on the A-FRAME
The FEEDERbox manipulator is a pneumatic lance feeder used for cleaning heat exchangers, incl. in power plants, combined heat and power plants and petrochemical plants.

Below are vide­os sho­wing the use of the FEEDER­box mani­pu­la­tor with A-FRAME (A-fra­me with a balan­cer), which relie­ves the ope­ra­tor and makes work much easier. Per­for­ming ope­ra­tions with this kit is more effec­ti­ve /​ much faster /​ safer for the operator.

The use of the FEEDER solu­tion allows you to incre­ase the effi­cien­cy up to 4 times than during manu­al work. 

The set inc­lu­des:

  • 1 x feeder unit with pneu­ma­tic air motor,

  • 1 x front guiding pipe [0,45m],

  • 1 x rear fle­xi­ble guiding hose [0,45m],

  • 1 x com­ple­te air tre­at­ment station,

  • 1 x air hose [5m],

  • 1 x adju­sta­ble sho­ul­der strap,

  • 1 x orga­ni­zer with addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries for vario­us diameters 
    • hose cat­chers [mm]: 8,5 /​ 10/​12/​13/​14/​15,

    • stops [mm]: 8 /​ 9,5 /​ 11,5 /​ 12,6 /​ 13,3 /​ 14,6,

    • front cones [mm]: 12/​14/​18/​20/​23,


    • spa­re dri­ve belt,

    • allen keys,

  • instruc­tion EN.

Eve­ry­thing is clo­sed in a solid chest

A-FRAME with balancer

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