Cleaning Systems

In our product range, we also offer ready-made cleaning systems for work with high-pressure flexible lances. At the client’s request, we modify ready-made systems or develop new solutions to support cleaning works with the use of high and ultra-high pressure water.

The sys­tems of the FEEDER gro­up are solu­tions ready to work with high-pres­su­re units and fle­xi­ble lan­ces of any manu­fac­tu­rer. They sup­port the cle­aning of tubu­lar heat exchan­ger inserts and con­den­sers used in power plants, com­bi­ned heat and power plants and petro­che­mi­cal plants.

Our solu­tions allow to incre­ase the safe­ty and effi­cien­cy of the operator’s work, and also con­tri­bu­te to lowe­ring the costs of the cle­aning pro­ject. Tech­ni­cal para­me­ters allow to incre­ase the effi­cien­cy seve­ral times in rela­tion to the works per­for­med with the tra­di­tio­nal – manu­al method.

The mani­pu­la­tor with the con­trol panel allows you to work in the “front-back”, “up-down”, “right-left” mode with the use of lan­ces with dif­fe­rent exter­nal dia­me­ters, thus ensu­ring the maxi­mum spe­ed of the devi­ce. The sys­tem itself is made of cor­ro­sion-resi­stant ligh­twe­ight mate­rials, which allows for quick mobi­li­za­tion of equ­ip­ment in vario­us pla­ces of spe­cia­li­zed works.

The modu­lar struc­tu­re of the STD and STD+ fra­me allows for easy assem­bly and disas­sem­bly and the expan­sion of the devi­ce with other PONAR Pres­su­re solu­tions. The solu­tions from the FEEDER pro­duct gro­up are deli­ve­red with com­ple­te com­ple­men­ta­ry acces­so­ries, ena­bling the use of lan­ces with dif­fe­rent exter­nal dia­me­ters depen­ding on the inter­nal dia­me­ters of the tubes of the exchan­ger inserts or tubu­lar condensers.


FEEDERbox 3in1 Bundle Cleaning System STD

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERbox 3in1 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 150 x 150 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel),
  • set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

» more information

FEEDERbox 3in1 Bundle Cleaning System STD+

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERbox 3in1 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD+ fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 200 x 200 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel),
  • set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x2 Bundle Cleaning System STD

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x2 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 150 x 150 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel)
  • set of keys for assembly
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x2 Bundle Cleaning System STD+

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x2 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD+ fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 200 x 200 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel),
  • set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x3 Bundle Cleaning System STD

The sys­tem inc­lu­des:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x3 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 150 x 150 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel)
  • set of keys for assembly,
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

» more information

FEEDERcombo x3 Bundle Cleaning System STD+

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x3 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD+ fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 200 x 200 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel)
  • set of keys for assembly
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x4 Bundle Cleaning System STD

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x4 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic
  • com­ple­te ALU STD fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king
    area 150 x 150 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel)
  • set of keys for assembly
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed

FEEDERcombo x4 Bundle Cleaning System STD+

The sys­tem includes:

  • com­plex auto­ma­tic tri­ple FEEDERcom­bo x4 fle­xi­ble lan­ce feeder with a dedi­ca­ted sin­gle pneu­ma­tic drive
  • com­ple­te ALU STD+ fra­me for posi­tio­ning and sta­bi­li­za­tion with spe­cial flan­ge han­dle and wor­king area 200 x 200 cm
  • CP (Con­trol Panel)
  • set of keys for assembly
  • manu­al user instruc­tions EN

war­ran­ty: 12 mon­ths | deli­ve­ry time: to be confirmed


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