About the Company
PONAR Pressure is a brand of ultra-high pressure water hydraulics systems of PONAR Wadowice SA. We offer modular and individual solutions utilising ultra high pressure water technology. Our solutions are efficient, effective, customised to meet Customer’s expectations and environmentally friendly.


PONAR Pres­su­re brand stands for expe­rien­ce, cre­ati­vi­ty in appro­ach towards appli­ca­tions of high pres­su­re water hydrau­lics. Our servi­ces find a varie­ty of appli­ca­tions in all indu­stries requ­iring pre­ci­sion of work and relia­bi­li­ty of the sys­tems. More­over, our sys­tems can be used in are­as expo­sed to a risk of explo­sion and no-man entry areas.

We are a mem­ber of the Euro­pe­an Water Jet­ting Insti­tu­te, an orga­ni­sa­tion brin­ging toge­ther busi­ness enti­ties, car­ry­ing out rese­arch on using high­ly pres­su­ri­sed water in the industry.

The quali­ty of the pro­duct is guaran­te­ed by PONAR Wado­wi­ce SA, a com­pa­ny that for more than 50 years has been one of the lar­gest pro­du­cer of oil hydrau­lics ele­ments and sys­tems in Poland, sup­ply­ing its pro­ducts not only on the dome­stic but also on the fore­ign mar­kets, coope­ra­ting with relia­ble Part­ners, the leaders in the­ir field.

Catalogue PONAR pressure

Cata­lo­gue PONAR pressure


© Copyrights by PONAR Wadowice 2020